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Assembly and handling technology

Aumann assembly and handling technology – both customer-specific and project-specific combinations for high-performance machines and systems.

Complete systems
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Whether manual, partially automated or fully automatic: Complete system solutions from a single source ensure conceptual continuity and consistency – from the material flow, through assembly processes, right through to product, process and machine data acquisition.

Assembly systems in sequential transfer
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Single belt transfer – the production line classic, and still the preferred solution for many systems. Whether a double belt or accumulating roller conveyor, a linear path or circulating system – modular transfer technology provides solutions for practically all applications.

Revolving and longitudinal transfer automata
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Fast, precise, reliable – synchronized systems are the system of choice for rigidly coupled processes and short cycle times. Both space-saving and cost-effective – compact system technology for series assembly.

Modular assembly systems
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Modularity is the prerequisite for flexibility, scalability and the reusability of system technology. Standardised assembly systems lead to well-engineered solutions that work reliably and that are very easy to maintain.

Robot cells
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Robots can be used to master highly complex motion sequences. They can be programmed precisely and flexibly, are robust in the production environment, low-maintenance and reliable over many years. Aumann uses robots to best effect, and is the contact partner of choice for developing cooperative robot systems and intelligent human-machine interactions.

Single stations
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Whether a manual workstation, a partially automated station with manually activities or a fully automated individual station – our experts have a clear overview and many years of experience in the customer-specific implementation of versatile assembly processes.Whether standing or sitting: Aumann harmonises ergonomics and work productivity.